
Summer Institute on Sustainability and Energy 2015 Program
September 28, 2015 | posted by The Institute
Graduate Research Assistant, Marzieh Jafary, travels to the University of Illinois in Chicago to attend the Summer Institute on Sustainability and Energy 2015 Program.

UTSA professor helps manage San Antonio’s growth
June 04, 2015 | posted by The Institute
As the city of San Antonio grows, SA Tomorrow has a plan to help guide the city of San Antonio to preserves social, economic, and environmental resources for the betterment of the city.

Sustainability study shows that women consume more energy
May 27, 2015 | posted by The Institute
Studies have shown that household with more women consume about 54% more power than households with more men. “It’s not to point fingers, It’s to empower women’s participation in energy decisions.”

International Partnerships
July 21, 2014 | posted by The Institute
The Institute has established new international partnerships with the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network and the Universidad de La Laguna in Tenerife, Spain.

TSERI doctoral researcher heads to Papua New Guinea
June 27, 2014 | posted by The Institute
Meet Jason Roberts. This environmental anthropology doctoral student who works with Texas Sustainable Energy Research Institute will be traveling over 8,000 miles as he takes his studies to Papua New Guinea for 14 months, starting August 2014.

Bexar County Electric Vehicle User Survey
January 20, 2014 | posted by The Institute
The Texas Sustainable Energy Research Institute is conducting an electric vehicle driver behavior survey on behalf of CPS Energy