Karan Bhanot , Ph.D.

Karan Bhanot , Ph.D.

Professor of Finance, Department Chair, College of Business

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Professor Bhanot earned his MBA from The Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad, India, and his Ph.D. in finance from the University of Iowa. Previously, Professor Bhanot has taught at the Stern School of Business at New York University, University of Wisconsin at Madison and the University of Iowa, Iowa City. He has also worked as a fixed income trader and manager at Standard Chartered Bank (formerly ANZ) in Bombay.

Educational Background:
Ph.D. University of Iowa
MBA Indian Institute of Management
B.Eng. Punjab Engineering College (India)

Field of Study:

Areas of Teaching Interest:
Corporate Finance - Credit Risk
Implications of Bond Covenants
Fixed Income
Asset Pricing

Areas of Research Interest:
Professor Bhanot’s research is in the area of fixed income and corporate finance. He has recently focused on the role of debt covenants in credit risk, managerial incentives and optimal capital structure. His research has been published in journals such as the Journal of Financial Economics, the Journal of Business, the Journal of Empirical Finance and the Journal of Banking and Finance.